They were out of cream the night before Thanksgiving, so I used half half-and-half and half milk. Came out splendiferously delicious anyway.
Ice Cream recipe:
1/2 cup sugar, mix with--
2 TBSP gelatin, stir into--
4 cups cream
Cook until just short of boiling
Beat 6 eggs in a separate bowl, then slowly drizzle the hot cream into the eggs while whisking them vigorously
(if you pour the eggs into the hot cream, you'll just get a pile of cooked eggs)
Cook two more minutes
Stir in--
1 cup honey
4 cups cream
3 TBSP vanilla
Pour into a shallow pan and freeze for an hour or two, then stir. Set a timer and stir more frequently as it hardens, until it's finally too stiff to stir.
We basically have to go to bed before it's ready and then eat it the next morning, or it doesn't last long enough to harden all the way :-)
This batch has already been got at, before it could even be photographed, as you see.
BTW that's a big pan of ice cream. It doesn't quite get across the sense of proportion, because it's a big spoon.