I found something really cool with ebay seller "425rnshim", who cuts custom quilting templates.
I bought a 4" hexagon and a 10" square for trimming my finished blocks.
The pieces come perfectly clear, I just ran a permanent marker around the edges so I could see the thing.
I know when you make crazy quilt squares you're supposed to make them 1/2" larger than you really want them to be, then trim off. I don't like to build in a lot of extra only to throw it away. I understand you have to do that if you're not perfectly precise, and I can't say I'm perfectly precise. But with a clear square to overlay I can check and make sure I have the whole square completely covered, then trim around. Very WYSIWYG and very cool.
The nifty part is that the material he uses is MORE non-skid than OmniGrip.
OmniGrip is supposed to be nonskid, but if you're not careful and keep constant pressure on, an OmniGrip ruler will scoot all over the place.
These clear templates, laid on top of fabric, are going nowhere. Even the slightest pressure is enough to keep it completely motionless. They really stick to the fabric.
OmniGrip's nonskid is in the markings, not the material itself. The clear stuff Rodney uses is inherently nonskid! And a lot cheaper than OmniGrip.
He has templates with markings etched on them, too, if you want to pay for that.
Check him out, here's the link: