This year all the health nuts have titanium cookware.
I did love my cast iron! It's so well seasoned I hardly ever wash it, only wipe with a paper towel. Cast iron makes things taste delicious. Here's a photo of my wonderful breakfast, which I took just for joy of my cast iron pan before I was told I couldn't use it any more. Why can't I use it any more?
I went to the doctor, for the first time I can remember. I don't really like the whole medical subject, it gives me the creeps. I do the best I can, of course; I watch these videos that tell me what to eat, and I try, because I want to live as long as possible. But I don't want to know the science and I don't want to hear the bad news. I'd rather continue in happy ignorance as long as possible.
Thanks be to God, there was no bad news. My test results were all in the middle of normal except for two results that were out of range. I had too much good cholesterol. The doctor shook her head and said, "Well, I guess that means you'll never have a heart attack." And I had too much iron in the blood.
Cooking with cast iron is good for you because it provides dietary iron, but there can be too much of a good thing (and I have always scraped it very enthusiastically with the spatula while cooking).
So I didn't resist the titanium thing too much.
MADE IN GERMANY. For $100 it had better be magnificent, and it is.
It's not lightweight. It's titanium coating over a base of thick aluminum, and even heavier than the cast iron. For some odd reason I have a mental note of places in movies where people use frypans as weapons. The most notable are Samwise in LOTR, Marian in Raiders of the Lost Ark (that was so cute), and Martin in Grosse Point Blank. This pan would make a very effective conking instrument!
I've never had a pan that heats up this evenly or is so beautifully non-stick.
The most surprising thing was when I saw the edges of the eggs waving back and forth-- they had cooked and then lifted away from the pan, and the edges were blowing in the breeze created by the heat coming from beneath them.
"Well, I never!"