Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Misc August - September 2014

Yay for clever titles  :-)
By now it's going to include October and November stuff.
Even though it's December. I'll post the December stuff in March, maybe. 

A lady spinning wool into yarn, at the Farmer's Market.  I asked if I could take her picture.

I want to dress like that.  I want to spin bunny hair into yarn.  This lady buys her fiber; I want to get the fluff right off the BUNNIES!!!!  And wash it and card it and dye it and oh yeah. 
This may be one of my iron-clad whims and probably is  :-) 
And this is where I want to live.  Oh, not exactly here in central suburbia.
But I could sure handle the corner of my house looking like this.

"Boy, I wish I had a comfy chair right now."
The definition of zero discretionary spending is, expenditures = $0.00.
I love free stuff, but only free stuff that can go through the washing machine, which excludes upholstery.
Here's the redneck solution. 

Another seating solution.  One of the darlings stood on the back bar of the old folding chair and bent it, making the chair unusable. I replaced the bar with a bit of hardwood that I scrounged from a rack someone had left out by the dumpster. Yay!

  Little me.  Oh I'm just sharing randomly now  :-)