Thursday, February 4, 2016

The New Curvy Barbie, and Newsweek Interview

Well, wasn't that a fun surprise!  A request for an interview by a Newsweek reporter! 

It made me feel famous! Hehe, although it didn't get me any fame-- my page views are the same or actually a little less than average since the article came out  :-)

Whatever else, it was a fun way to shake up a morning.  One minute I had dropped off the kids to school, was sitting down with my breakfast and to-do list, and of course sparing a moment to indulge in re-examination of my pain and familiar dilemmas, with some self-doubt and ennui.  Next thing you know the phone's ringing.
I only had time enough to say, God, don't let me say something stupid!
And then I was chattering all kinds of cheerful, positive and enthusiastic opinions about my almost-forgotten hobby, from the almost-forgotten old days.

Here's the article:

After the interview, I was kinda wound up, and on a whim I jumped in the car and zoomed down to Walmart to get one of the new dolls.  Only a few minutes' thought or one minute's research would have told me it'll be a long time before the new body dolls hit the big box store! Oh, well, there were plenty of other things on my shopping list, it wasn't a wasted trip  :-)

The new Curvy dolls can be pre-ordered here:
And I did so as soon as I got home. 
Went with this one:

Not only because she was only ten bucks.
I love the hair.  Remember what I said about the purple-hair girl?

Blue hair makes me think Space Princess, possibly another of Captain Kirk's girlfriends.

It probably would have been this one if not for the bent arm, obviously-dyed hair (I see that blue hair as natural, just not from this planet) and the fact that her face reminds me of someone I know.
And she was $20.  Yes I am that tightfisted.  I'm only allowing myself to *buy* a doll because she'll further the hobby, which does at least pay for itself  :-) 

I'm set up to make some clothes, now. 
In this apartment, I have a bedroom all to myself-- a little 10x12 square all my own that I love and am so grateful for!  It's not that there's ROOM for a sewing table, it's kinda sitting in the middle and I go around it to go to bed!

I gotta do something with that website.
People still write me occasionally, still send me thank you notes and pictures of what they've made with my patterns, but I've fallen behind the curve.  It's time to get those photos up, fix some errors I know about, make some long-overdue improvements, even add some NEW CONTENT. 

I got a notifier yesterday saying Miss Blue has been shipped.
I can't wait! I'm gonna get a wardrobe together for her lickety-split, post the patterns and sell the prototypes.  Yay!

Hey-- did you notice what just happened?
I just admitted that I bought a Barbie doll because I wanted it.
When my early teens turned into my late teens I got self-conscious about my Barbie collection and packed it away, but with so much regret!
Then, I was an outsider, exiled from the pink aisle.
I was so glad once my baby girl was big enough to look around and reach for things, so I could carry that baby girl into the pink aisle!  She was my ticket, my passport back into the world of Barbie!

The girls are now 17, 21 and 23 years old, but I'm 45 -- I could wear a red hat if I wanted to, but I don't!  But I'm plenty old and bold enough to admit I'm buying a plastic doll because I jolly well want to!