Big WIN for me, because I brought down a whole carload of fifteen or twenty bags of old junk, and came away with two bags of excellent stuff!
(But as I've said, the second funnest part is watching my old junk go away in other people's arms and they seem happy about it!)
The boys found several tall candles, a bunch of Christmas lights that work, a battery lantern, and a wind-up clock. I did, too!
This one's mine. I love old wind-up clocks.
Dave's got his name permanent-markered on his already, lest there be any confusion about it. His was made in USA :-)
Okay, he wins, but I like mine too!
The kids got four big fluffy deluxe Santa hats. Here they are fresh from the freezer (everything not machine washable goes through there to kill the cooties).
MORE jigsaw puzzles, isn't that what I need, well it's free, so why not :-)
I have a thing for jigsaw puzzles. Just love 'em.
I donated a 60s German grammar book that had bugged me with its post-war noblesse oblige, and found this one instead, from 1938 and in perfect condition! Even has the old style Gothic print that I like so much.
That's a roll of shelf lining paper. Looks like pattern making paper to me.
The buttons look medieval, n'est ce pas?
Fabric. There was a HUGE pile actually, and a bag of squares and strings that tempted me, but I limited myself to just this, which looks medieval, and a couple good-sized chunks that I really fancied.
The plaid flannel can always be pajama bottoms or pillowcases.
Boys got this for Andrea.
Andrea isn't a cat person, she's a dog person! It's just that she isn't able to keep a dog right now, and kitty's better than nothing.
The boys sorted through a box of toys and found these cool Legos.
Nice little cups, I like everything about them, size, style, colors and price.
A great heavy quilted bag, perfect for bringing handcrafts in the car. It has a metal snap closure that's broken on one side, but I don't care. Looks like it was never used.
New to me phone. Doesn't matter where it's made because I'm not profiting them this time around, and at least it hasn't any Spanish labels on it :-)
I'm without an answering machine and can't get a new one because they apparently don't make them in my price range NOT bilingual! Hmph!